Maskant Putty & Tape
APV offers a line of masking putty and tape as alternatives to masking coatings and powders for diffusion products.
Custom masking preforms prevent coating gases from leaking out onto no-coat surfaces. They are ideal for areas that are difficult to mask, such as turbine blade platforms and imprecise manifolds. Preforms consist of M-1 and a clean-burning organic binder and are used as an adjunct to other APV masking products.
APV offers a line of masking putty and tape as alternatives to masking coatings and powders for diffusion products.
R.T.U. slurries can be incorporated into high-temperature coating masking systems (R.T.U. M-7/B-4, M-10/B-4, M-107/B-4) where diffusion coating processes are above 1500°F or incorporated into low-temperature coating masking system (R.T.U. M8/B-4) where diffusion coating processes are below 1500°F.
APV offers a line of masking putty and tape as alternatives to masking coatings and powders for diffusion products.
R.T.U. slurries can be incorporated into high-temperature coating masking systems (R.T.U. M-7/B-4, M-10/B-4, M-107/B-4) where diffusion coating processes are above 1500°F or incorporated into low-temperature coating masking system (R.T.U. M8/B-4) where diffusion coating processes are below 1500°F.