Maskant Custom Preforms
Maskant Custom Preforms are created for difficult-to-mask areas based on individual customer needs and specifications.
The M-1/M-5/M-7/M-8/M-10 masking systems consist of dry powders, binders, and diluents. Slurry system components can be mixed at your location as required, or purchased ready-to-use. Several of the maskants can also be used dry, with no binders. All components of the system are tested chemically and metallurgically after processing and all masking materials are tested under actual coating conditions.
Maskant Custom Preforms are created for difficult-to-mask areas based on individual customer needs and specifications.
Cost-effective D-4 Diluents from APV Engineered Coatings maintain the viscosity of maskant slurries.
Maskant Binders are used in conjunction with other maskant powder products in slurry making for the diffusion coating process on aluminum alloys.
APV's Maskant Stripper is a blue crystalline compound used to remove aluminide coatings on nickel and cobalt super-alloys.
R.T.U. slurries can be incorporated into high-temperature coating masking systems (R.T.U. M-7/B-4, M-10/B-4, M-107/B-4) where diffusion coating processes are above 1500°F or incorporated into low-temperature coating masking system (R.T.U. M8/B-4) where diffusion coating processes are below 1500°F.
APV offers a line of masking putty and tape as alternatives to masking coatings and powders for diffusion products.
APV's low-temperature coating masking materials prevent coating in selected areas during diffusion coating processes below 1,500°F (815°C).
APV’s high-temperature coating masking materials prevent coating in selected areas during diffusion coating processes above 1500°F (815°C) for new and overhauled engines.